The Birth of Jesus

Release Date: December 2021
Length: 3:46

God in his providence ordained that the life of his Son would be beautiful. Part of beauty in life is symmetry. In this lesson, discover how God arranged the events at the beginning of Jesus’  life to beautifully mirror the events at the end of his earthly life. Learn how the story of Jesus’ birth actually anticipated the story of his death and resurrection!

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Our videos give you an overview of the biblical story and then show you how to find Jesus within that story! But we have much more content to share with you! We have created short lessons to accompany each video, which allow you to dive deeper into the Bible story, its associated Scriptures, and the Gospel Connections to Jesus! Our accompanying lessons include an in-depth pastoral discussion of the Bible story and written commentary. These lessons are short and self-paced, and will enrich your understanding of how to find Jesus in every story.

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